If you have questions, please contact the Development Office at (207) 773-6471 ext. 7835 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you.

By placing our trust in God’s promise of eternal salvation, we have been given the gift of hope. It is this hope that sustains us at all times, offers us courage in times of trial, and allows us to grow and persevere in faith. By supporting the annual Catholic Appeal, you, and our entire Catholic community of faith, are providing this gift of hope to those in need across the state of Maine.
Your gift to the Catholic Appeal provides the programs and ministries supported by the appeal means to continue their vital missions here in Maine, including:

  • Reaching thousands of people through our food banks, community support, and emergency relief programs
  • Supporting priests and lay chaplains who bring comfort and encouragement to patients in our hospitals
  • Providing a quality Catholic education to more than 1,700 students
  • Providing faith formation for youth and adults

Thank you for your support, for caring for those around you and for being a member of this Catholic community of faith –
United in Hope.

As Catholics, we are called to not only live our faith for ourselves but in community with one another. The annual Catholic Appeal provides a way for us to answer this call, in community together as the Body of Christ, to serve the Lord by supporting our parishes, schools, ministries, those who are in need supported by the church, and the community of Maine as a whole.

Through your prayerful contribution to the Catholic Appeal, you are:

  • Providing faith formation for youth and adults
  • Supporting priests and lay chaplains who bring comfort and encouragement to patients in our hospitals
  • Reaching thousands of people through our food banks, community support, and emergency relief programs
  • Fostering the ongoing intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral formation of our priests
  • Providing a quality Catholic education to more than 1,700 students

Thank you for your generosity! Your steadfast support ensures that these ministries are able to accomplish the mission of the Church and bring Maine together in Christ!  

Yes! I want to support the Catholic Appeal by making a gift today!

If you would like to make a pledge, you may do so here